Adriano Design studio was founded by two Italian brothers, Davide and Gabriele Adriano, in 1997. They have collaborated with renowned companies in Italy and around the world such as Foppapedretti, Scavolini, Olivetti, OGTM, Centro Ricerche FIAT, Bemis, and Melitta. Graduated in architecture and actively engaged as faculty members at the Turin Polytechnic and as visiting professors at several prestigious national and international universities, they have been the recipients of a number of accolades, including the prestigious Compasso d'Oro ADI in 2014 and 2022 (ADI Golden Compass), the IF Product Design Award, the Design Plus 2011 and 2013, the Designpreis Deutschland, the Good Design Award, the International Design Competition in Osaka, and the Koizumi Award. Additionally, they have received honorable mentions at the XXI and XXIII Compasso d'Oro ADI.